Hi fellow Z owners on the other side of the world! You have to excuse me for writing in english but I'm not that familiar with the japaneese language (I'm from Europe myself). I was wondering if you could help me identify who makes these mirrors on the image that I have attached? If you do know, could you please send me a email? It would be highly appreciated!
Bon soir monsieur Tellus ,je vous ai envoye une lettre en ce qui concerne un miroir de z, mais j'ai echoue de envoyer. Donc je vous reponds sur ce page.
je crois que la fabricante de ce miroir est CENTRAL 20
Je suis un peu ecervele. j'ai oublie, comment trouve ce miroir! tout d'abord il faut clique Z32 et en suit vous trouverais votre miroie mais il est un peu cher, ca coute 37800 yen .equivalant 320 euro . bon courage!
>on the other side of the world! 地球の反対側ってこう書くのか?・・・ ヨーロッパって反対側かな?・・そんなことはどうでもいいのですが・・ このミラーどこかで見たぞ・・・最近みたな・・・ あ!日曜日に「おはみか」見た!Takayuki@261さんのミラーでは!? 違うか?似てる気がする・・ Takayukiさんの回答を待ちましょう!
Monsieur Jorgen, Est-ce que vous etes la ? si vous etes sur ce site,j'ai une bonne nouvelle a vous annoncer: nous trouvons le miroir que vous nous demandez,on dit que "c'est AB-FLUG TYPE-4", on est en train de chercher ce type-la, mais malheureusement on ne trouve pas la meme miroir, il est possible que on a suplime , mais nous contiuons essayer de ramasser des renseignement. Ne decouragez pas! il y en a qui vous repandez parmi des nous.
OK. After some discussion/opinions/comments/inputs from various members here, it is concluded that the mirrors in the pic you've sent us is a TYPE 4 mirror from Abflug (http://www.ab-flug.co.jp/). One of the members, however, found that the same mirror was no longer found in Affug's website, so he took the trouble of making an inquiry to the company.
According to Abflug, the said mirror is definitely their Type 4 mirror, but unfortunately, they are no longer selling these.
So the only option seems to be 1.) try to find second hand mirrors or 2.) buy similar mirrors.
Another member seems to have similar ones from a different company. Here a link to their website.
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